Industry News

SOC Compliance

Aug 20, 2021 | Business

SOC Compliance

Securing a SOC (Service Organization Control) audit with the help of ABIP can prevent these security issues from negatively impacting your business. SOC auditors evaluate your data systems based on the five trust principles: Security, Availability, Processing, Integrity, Confidentiality.

SOC compliance will help you stand out from the competition. Many companies forego SOC audits because they may require drastic changes to existing systems. This is a huge mistake in the long run. Not only could this leave your business at greater risk of experiencing a security breach, but it also shows prospective clients, vendors, and investors that you do not take data security very seriously.

Take the necessary steps to strengthen your systems. Becoming SOC complaint shows that you are willing to take the time and funds to ensure that your client data is secure. It may even save your business money in the long run by avoiding the likelihood of being subject to a ransom.